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Displacing fossil resources

A substitution or displacement effect occurs when wood-based products replace products made from fossil raw materials. This means that fossil carbon is removed from the materials cycle and replaced with biogenic carbon. The total amount of carbon in circulation therefore stops increasing. As long as we only use the net…
April 5, 2023

Status report on the Swedish forest

Sweden’s land area is covered by forest. It has made Sweden’s journey possible from poverty to success. Exports of forest-based products provided revenues that were used to build society and develop processing chains with increasingly efficient production and, eventually, new revenue streams. The importance of having an industry that forms…
March 6, 2023

Private forest owners bring diversity to the forest

There are close to 320,000 private forest owners in Sweden, and together they own about half of the productive forest land. For these 320,000 private forest owners, the forest is an important part of their everyday life – it’s where they live, take walks, pick mushrooms, and hunt – all…
December 11, 2022

Environmental care in Swedish forestry

In Sweden, the current Forestry Act was adopted in 1993, changing the conditions of how forestry is conducted. A monumental change was the fact that environmental care and production goals became equally prioritised, an important decision that strengthened environmental practices in forestry. The new Forestry Act also gave forest owners…
December 11, 2022

The forest industry cycle

Forests and forestry mean a lot to Sweden’s society and economy. The forest industry cycle also contributes to reducing carbon dioxide emissions, for the sake of the climate. The forest industry enables us to build wooden houses, decorate these houses with wooden furniture and buy milk in cartons produced from…
December 11, 2022

Are satellites enough to measure the forest?

In June 2021, a study published in Nature claimed that the felling of forests in Sweden had increased dramatically, something that later turned out not to be true. The statement was met with great criticism and was rejected by, among others, the Swedish Forest Agency and SLU. The study, which…
December 11, 2022

Forestry in practice – from felling to forest management

This is part 2 of the series about how Kopparfors Skogar, a forest company in Sweden, works with modern forestry. We meet Moa Widman, forest protection manager, and Per Mellström, forest protection leader, who take over after felling. They show how the planting of trees works, and how they take…
December 11, 2022

Forestry in practice – from planning to felling

There are many opinions about modern forestry. To get a better understanding of how Swedish forestry works we get to follow the work of Kopparfors Skogar, a forest company in the middle parts of Sweden. We meet Per Eriksson, forest planner, and Ida Heurlin, nature conservation manager, who take us…
December 11, 2022

Protected forest in Sweden and Germany

Watch the English version of the film about protected forest in Sweden and Germany. Today, European countries use very different practices when reporting protected forests. This makes it impossible to make fair comparisons between countries. The film explains the difference between Sweden and Germany when it comes to reporting protected…
December 11, 2022

Forest fertilisation a better climate measure than permanent offsets

Research from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency shows that forest fertilisation has bigger climate benefits than permanent protection of forests. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency was commissioned by the Swedish government to analyse and present proposals for political instruments to increase the uptake of carbon dioxide in the forest. Peichen…
October 11, 2022

Sweden protects more forests than is reported

The Future of Forestry has produced a report that describes the difference between how Sweden and Germany report protected forests. The report shows that Sweden and Germany define protected nature in different ways. Sweden stands out with a very strict interpretation of what is considered protected. The majority of the…
June 22, 2022