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The Future is Made of Wood Skyscrapers, batteries, windows, plastics, electric transistors, even satellites, can be made with wood and wood by-products. And yet science and industry are only starting to explore the benefits of using wood instead of fossil-based materials. Inspired by the developments in wood research, innovation and construction we put together short…
July 19, 2023

Building the bio-economy is important for the future of Europe

The forests of Europe is a key factor in making the European circular bio-economy a reality. The potential of forest raw materials to replace fossil-based materials is an important part of Europe’s strength, resilience, and self-sufficiency. Developing the forestry sector by respecting environmental objectives is a pan-european effort, involving all…
April 5, 2023

Environmental care in Swedish forestry

In Sweden, the current Forestry Act was adopted in 1993, changing the conditions of how forestry is conducted. A monumental change was the fact that environmental care and production goals became equally prioritised, an important decision that strengthened environmental practices in forestry. The new Forestry Act also gave forest owners…
August 31, 2022

Are satellites enough to measure the forest?

In June 2021, a study published in Nature claimed that the felling of forests in Sweden had increased dramatically, something that later turned out not to be true. The statement was met with great criticism and was rejected by, among others, the Swedish Forest Agency and SLU. The study, which…
May 19, 2022