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Sweden’s land area is covered by forest. It has made Sweden’s journey possible from poverty to success. Exports of forest-based products provided revenues that were used to build society and develop processing chains with increasingly efficient production and, eventually, new revenue streams. The importance of having an industry that forms the hub of an entire ecosystem of economic activities – from services and local raw material production in all corners of Sweden to world-leading research and development – cannot be overstated. Adding to that, forests shape the experience of living in Sweden, and their contribution to biodiversity and climate action is invaluable.

Today there are many proposals on European level that, collectively, risk imposing major restrictions on the Swedish forest industry. Which make it particularly important to keep up-to-date on the political processes that affect forestry.

With this in mind, Forestry of Future have written an overview of the political issues that are currently in focus in relation to the Swedish forest industry. We also explain the industry’s importance for the Swedish economy and for climate adaptation, and how the forest industry is focused on promoting biodiversity.

Please read the Status report on the Swedish forest here.